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Latihan Soal Pretes PPG, UKG, PLPG Mapel Bahasa Inggris SMP

PGRI.info; kali ini akan membagikan koleksi soal pretes untuk persiapan mengikuti UKG, PPG, PLPG mata pelajaran bahasa inggris jenjang SMP, berikut contoh soalnya:

This notice is for question 1.

1. What does the notice mean?
A. This place is not only for employee.
B. Employee is not allowed to go further.
C. The area is forbidden for employee.
D. Employee can go beyond this point.

The following text is for questions 2 and 3. 
To Andre
You did it your wayI couldn't be happier for you
Congratulations on your achievement as the best participant in the story telling contest for Junior High School level for the year 2014.

2. From the text, we know that Andre………….
A. did it his way
B. told Elena about the contest
C. won the story telling contest
D. achieved high level at school

3."...on your achievement as the best participant ..."
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ……………
A. talent
B. request
C. success
D. demand

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